Twenty One Pilots – My Blood (Official Video)

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“My Blood” by Twenty One Pilots is a track from their critically acclaimed fifth studio album, “Trench,” released in 2018. This song stands out for its blend of funk, rock, and indie pop influences, showcasing the band’s versatility and innovative approach to music. The duo, composed of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, uses “My Blood” to explore themes of loyalty, support, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Musically, “My Blood” features a groovy bassline that drives the track, complemented by a catchy melody and rhythmic drumming. The song’s production is polished, with layers of synths and guitars creating a rich, textured sound. Tyler Joseph’s vocal performance is emotive and compelling, delivering the lyrics with a sense of urgency and sincerity that resonates with listeners. The track’s dynamic structure, with its shifts between mellow verses and anthemic choruses, keeps the listener engaged throughout.

Lyrically, “My Blood” is a powerful ode to unwavering support and solidarity, often interpreted as a message of standing by someone through thick and thin. Tyler Joseph sings about being there for a loved one, offering a sense of protection and reassurance amidst challenges. The lyrics emphasize themes of loyalty and companionship, with lines like “Stay with me, my blood, you don’t need to run” encapsulating the song’s core message of steadfast support.

The accompanying music video for “My Blood” further enhances the song’s narrative, depicting a story of two brothers who rely on each other to navigate difficult circumstances. This visual representation adds depth to the song’s themes, illustrating the emotional bonds that can help individuals overcome hardships.

“My Blood” was well-received by fans and critics alike, praised for its infectious groove, relatable lyrics, and emotional depth. It highlights Twenty One Pilots’ ability to craft songs that are both musically innovative and lyrically profound. The track has become a staple in their live performances, known for its energetic and engaging presence.

Overall, “My Blood” is a testament to Twenty One Pilots’ talent for blending different musical styles and creating songs that resonate on a personal level with their audience. It captures the essence of their artistry, combining introspective themes with compelling melodies and dynamic production. The song further solidifies their reputation as one of the most creative and influential acts in contemporary music.

When everyone you thought you knew,
Deserts your fight, I’ll go with you.
You’re facing down a dark hall,
I’ll grab my light, and go with you.

I’ll go with you.

Surrounded and up against a wall,
I’ll shred them all, and go with you.
When choices end, you must defend,
I’ll grab my bat, and go with you.

Stay with me. No, you don’t need to run.
Stay with me, my blood. You don’t need to run.

If there comes a ,
People posted up at the end your driveway,
They’re calling for your head,
and they’re calling for your name,
I’ll bomb down them, I’m coming through.
Do they know I was grown with you?
If they’re here to smoke, know I’ll go with you,
Just keep it outside, keep it outside, yeah.

If you find yourself in a lion’s den,
I’ll jump right in and pull my pin, and go with you.


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